Saturday, March 24, 2007

"Saya akan terus hidup"

"Saya akan terus hidup" - Awang Sigar

“Saya akan terus hidup”: Awang Sigar cerita detik-detik cemas nahas Garuda di Yogyakarta CUACA yang baik mengiringi penerbangan Garuda 737-400 menuju Yogyakarta, sebuah bandaraya kebudayaan dan tarikan para pelancung, 440 km dari Jakarta. Awang Sigar Labau, 48 tahun, adalah diantara penumpang yang berada dalam pesawat itu. Beliau ditemani rakan sekerjanya, Ak Sharulazmi untuk menghadiri mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kerja mengenai Liberalisasi Kapital Akaun peringkat Asean. Bagaimanapun, hasrat beliau dan rakannya itu tidak kesampaian apabila pesawat yang membawa 140 penumpang dan anak kapal itu tergelincir dari landasan, lalu meletup dan terbakar ketika mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Adi Sucipto kira-kira jam 7 pagi waktu tempatan pada 7 March lalu. “Kami berlepas dari hotel jam 4.30 pagi dan dijangka tiba di Yogyakarta dalam masa 45 minit. Saya tidak mengambil makanan dalam pesawat kerana masih terasa kenyang selepas sarapan di hotel. Saya bercadang untuk duduk dibarisan depan pesawat. Oleh kerana ruangan depan sudah penuh, saya melupakan hasrat itu. Sebaliknya saya duduk dibahagian belakang pesawat bersama Ak Sharul,” ujar Awang Sigar menceritakan detik-detik cemas yang berlaku beberapa saat sebelum pesawat menghentak landasan dengan kuat ketika membuat pendaratan mengakibatkannya tergelincir lalu terbakar dan tersadai di sawah padi selepas melanggar pagar ujung landasan. Kemalangan ngeri itu mengorbankan 21 penumpang. Awang Sigar mengalami kecederaan di bahu kanan serta sakit dan lebam dikawasan pinggang manakala Ak Sharulazmi tidak mengalami kecederaan.

“Dalam keadaan panik itu, saya menyedari kasut sebelah kaki kiri saya hilang mungkin terpijak dan tanggal ketika berebut-rebut. Saya menjumpainya dicelah-celah kaki penumpang. Ketika bergegas memasang kasut, saya cuba menyakinkan diri saya bahawa saya akan selamat. Perkataan “saya akan terus hidup,” berulang kali saya ucapkan,” jelas Awang Sigar disaat-saat getir sebelum beliau berjaya meloloskan diri dari kepulan asap dan api yang mula merebak di kabin pesawat.

Kami sungguh bernasib baik, pintu kecemasan hanya beberapa langkah dari tempat kami duduk. Mungkin penumpang yang duduk dibarisan tengah yang banyak terkorban atau melecur kerana tersepit ditempat duduk. Semasa berebut untuk keluar pesawat, laluan menuju ke pintu kecemasan menjadi sempit akibat rempuhan dari penumpang yang bersesak-sesak menuju pintu keluar. Kami tidak ada pilihan selain melompati kerusi bahagian belakang kami untuk sampai ke pintu kecemasan.

Dalam suasana kecoh, gerak saya terhenti. Seorang penumpang lelaki bangsa Indonesia memaut bahu saya meminta pertolongan agar membawanya keluar bersama. Melihat akan keadaannya yang sukar untuk berdiri dengan betul, saya lantas menarik dan membawanya terjun bersama.

Sepanjang ingatan saya, bahu kanan terhantuk kuat akibat terhumban kehadapan mujur tali pinggang keselamatan jadi penyelamat ketika kapal mendarat. Saya sempat melihat landasan dari cermin tempat duduk sebelum mendarat. Tiba-tiba lampu kabin tertutup dan Ak Sharul ternampak kepulan asap keluar dari sayap kiri pesawat. Dalam kegelapan dan asap mulai memasuki bahagian dalam kapal, saya mendengar pekikan kuat dari arah bertentangan, mungkin dari anak pesawat yang mengarahkan semua penumpang keluar serta merta. Ak Sharul bertindak cepat dan saya terus mengekorinya,” ujar Awang Sigar.

“Apa yang ada dalam fikiran masa itu hanyalah untuk menyelamatkan nyawa dan kami tidak menggunakan gelongsor keselamatan sebaliknya melompat terus ke daratan. Mungkin juga gelongsor itu rosak akibat rempuhan para penumpang. Setelah kaki menjejak bumi Yogyakarta, saya menyedari bahawa kami sudah selamat,” jelas Awang Sigar yang memegang jawatan sebagai Penolong Pengarah Bahagian Institusi Kewangan, Kementerian Kewangan sejak Disember 2005 manakala Ak Sharulazmi adalah pegawai kewangan di bahagian yang sama.

Walaupun sudah boleh menarik nafas lega, Awang Sigar masih terpinga-pinga dan cuba untuk memahami apa sebenarnya yang telah terjadi. Beliau buntu mencari jawapannya. Ditengah kebingungan, antara sedar atau tidak, realiti atau khayalan, hakikatnya beliau terperangkap “di bumi tidak bertuan." Sukar untuk diungkap dan digambarkan perasaan beliau ketika itu. Hanya satu episod kemusnahan yang terpapar didepan mata tapi sukar untuk diterjemahkan. “Pemandangan seolah-olah seperti dalam medan peperangan,” tegas Awang Sigar. “Saya bersyukur kepada Tuhan, umur saya masih dipanjangkan,” tambah Awang Sigar yang terselamat dari serangan penyakit barah apabila dijangkiti penyakit maut itu pada tahun 2001.

“Saya sempat menghubungi saudara terdekat di Brunei selepas kejadian itu. Saya bimbang berita sedih ini akan mengejutkan isteri dan anak-anak jika dikhabarkan dengan nada yang tergesa-gesa. Setelah keadaan saya tenang, barulah saya menghubungi mereka,” jelas Awang Sigar yang berasal dari Kg.Parit, Daerah Temburong dan menetap di Kg.Kapuk, Jalan Muara. Beliau dikurniakan lima orang cahaya mata.

Kesemua penumpang dan anak buah yang terselamat dari malapetaka itu dipindahkan ke hospital tentera yang berdekatan. Hasil dari pemeriksaan x-ray, bahu kanan Awang Sigar didapati retak dan beliau percaya akibat dari hentakan kuat yang mengenai bahunya semasa pesawat mendarat. Dua orang pegawai dari Kedutaan Brunei di Jakarta bergegas ke Yogyakarta untuk mengetahui keadaan sebenar beliau dan Ak Sharul setelah mendapat maklum dari pihak-pihak yang berkenaan untuk mempercepatkan kepulangan mereka ke Brunei melalui Jakarta.

Setelah selesai menjalani pemeriksaan dan rawatan di hospital tentera berkenaan, Awang Sigar and Ak Sharul dipindahkan ke hospital antarabangsa yang dikendalikan oleh pihak swasta di Yogyakarta. Mereka berada di hospital itu selama dua malam dengan kos ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh Syarikat Penerbangan Garuda.

Walaupun mendapat layanan yang istemewa semasa berada di hospital, Keresahan dan ketakutan kembali menghantui fikiran Awang Sigar. Kepulangan mereka ke Jakarta akan dibuat sebaik-baik saja keluar dari hospital di Yogyakarta. Beliau diberitahu perjalanan balik boleh diuruskan samada melalui jalan darat atau udara. Jika menggunakan kenderaan darat, perjalanan memakan masa 7 hingga 8 jam untuk sampai di Jakarta.

“Saya jadi takut dan memori nahas tertayang di kotak fikiran saya. Kebimbangan mula menguasai diri saya kemungkinan mengalami “peristiwa serupa” jika menaiki kapalterbang. Kalau mengikut kehendak hati, mahu saja ikut jalan darat tetapi keadaan kesihatan yang tidak mengizinkan, saya menepis firasat liar itu dan mengambil keputusan naik pesawat,” kata Awang Sigar menimbas kembali keputusan yang terpaksa dibuatnya bersama rakan sekerjanya untuk kembali ke Jakarta menggunakan pesawat lain yang dikendalikan oleh syarikat penerbangan yang sama.

Penerbangan menuju Jakarta berjalan dengan baik tidak seperti “petanda buruk” yang dirasakannya. Perasaan gementar hilang sekelip mata apabila pesawat selamat mendarat di Jakarta tanpa sebarang masalah. Awang Sigar and Ak Sharul menginap semalam di Jakarta sebelum diterbangkan balik ke Brunei pada petang 10 March melalui Penerbangan Diraja Brunei. Dari lapangan terbang, mereka terus dibawa ke Hospital RIPAS untuk pemeriksaan lanjut. Awang Sigar diberi cuti selama 5 minggu untuk membantu beliau sembuh sepenunhya dari kecederaan yang dialaminya dalam nahas pesawat itu.

“Tragedi ini akan menghantui saya selamanya. Namun, peristiwa pahit ini tidak akan mematahkan semangat saya untuk menaiki pesawat lagi. Hanya masa menentukan. Saya mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi ucapan terima kasih kepada Kedutaan Brunei di Jakarta, Garuda Airlines, RBA, Kementerian Kewangan, Kementerian Kesihatan, kementerian-kementerian lain dan orang-orang persendirian kerana menghulurkan bantuan dan sokongan semasa saya dilanda kesusahan.”

Seminar at Marriot Hotel, Miri City

Co-operatives need diversification to spur economic growth (BB- 27/3/07)

Members of panel

Haji Ahmad of Koperasi PPMS

Captain (R) Haji Narawi of KPKST

BINA officials

BINA delegates

Pg Sharifuddin (3L) with
Datuk Samsu Baharun (Center)
BINA delegates
Co-operatives need diversities to spur economic growth
A seminar themed “Values and diversification spur co-operatives economy” was held on Friday (23/3/07) at Marriot Hotel, Miri City. It was organized by the Co-operative College of Malaysia (CCM) Sarawak branch, Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development.
Some 32 officials from Brunei Industrial Development Authority (BINA) and 68 co-operative leaders and members representing 19 co-operative bodies in the sultanate attended the one day seminar. It was the third time Brunei Darussalam has been invited by CCM with the first two being held in May and July 2006 in the city. Brunei delegation was led by the Acting Director of BINA, Pg Sharifuddin Pg Hj Matali. The seminar began with a welcoming speech by the Deputy Director General of CCM, Haji Idris Ismail and followed later by an official opening by the Parliament Secretary, Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development (MECD), Datuk Samsu Baharun Haji Abdul Rahman. In his speech, the recognition of co-operatives business as the third most important engine of growth after the public and private sectors in Malaysia should provide a tonic and an impetus for co-operators to intensify and diversify their business activities. To achieve the target, the Malaysian government has granted various incentives and infrastructures to develop their capabilities in a more conducive business environment. Henceforth, a mindset shift is inevitable and co-operators have to move towards a professional style of management in pursuit of a sustainable and competitive business development and growth, he added. The seminar, dubbed “Executive Talk” saw two papers being presented by Haji Mohd Marzuki Mohd Omar, Chairman of Koperasi ANIB Berhad entitled “Adoption of co-operative values in business: challenges and opportunities” while Osman Ismail, Assistant Director of Business Development, Sarawak’s Co-operative Development Department presenting his paper entitled “Business diversification facilitates current co-operative economic development”. It was moderated by Dr. Hjh Jamilah Din, the Director of Sarawak’s CCM.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

News that made headlines

ONE of the greatest satisfactions of being a freelancer journalist is the ability to help others. I still vividly remember news covered by a reporter (BB reporter) on the accident that killed a young lady occurred on 29 October 2006 (Sunday). I didn’t witness the actual fatal accident but my postings to the media (BB and MP) after the accident giving relevant authorities a wake up call to buckle up before another fatality strikes.

The relevant authority was quick to put some remedial works on the prone-accident stretch of the highway linking Tutong-Jerudong. Here are flash backs of headlines that are appeared in BB and MP. Of course, my sentences are not 100% published, it is the work of the editors to edit, proof read and make neccessary amendments to make the news more sharper (mine is a bit elaborate). It goes the same to other postings such as articles. I usually post articles one week in advanced to give ample for editors to comprehend and henceforth edit for publication.

For news coverage, if I send them today, it is not neccessarily they come out on the next day. But it always do: it all depends on spaces available. If the postings are too long in sentences or too many pictures, it may appears on the following day or if doesn't come out after two days, sometimes I call them to ascertain why they are not published.

There are instances where they don't come out at all. Possibly, the news are not suitable for publication and this is one of the challenges freelancers have to swallow and abide to their decisions. In other words, not all postings are published! (No publication, no pay...what to do)

Here are the reports:

Bad road patches may lead to accidents(BB -28/10/06) - reported 2 days before the fatal accident

ROAD users commuting along Tutong-Jerudong highway may be getting used to witness vehicle mishaps in several accident-prone areas connecting the two districts. Accidents do happen when motorists ignore safety procedures on the road, driving at breakneck speed, overtaking carelessly, making illegal U-turn and other hazardous attempts. Patchy road surfaces and water clogged up during or after rains are other factors contributing to accidents.
The high occurrence of frequent-hit areas may be pointed to the condition of the road as those stretches of road lag maintenance at regular intervals. Prompt actions to resurface the maligned patches by relevant parties are commendable as one of the solutions to decrease road accidents. Misfortunes also occur at congested intersections as misjudgment proves decisive. Closing down certain intersections that pose a threat is an option to reduce the frequency of accidents and seek more favorable alternative routes.
However, any initiatives taken by concerned agencies bear fruitless unless all parties giving safety on top of their lists and making full advantage the road facilities provided.

Certain Intersection needs revamps to prevent frequent accidents
Jalan rosak undang bahaya kemalangan (MP - 28/10/06) - disiarkan 2 hari sebelum kemalangan maut berlaku
Para pengguna jalan raya yang berulang alik menggunakan lebuhraya diantara Tutong dan Brunei Muara mungkin sudah biasa melihat kejadian-kejadian kemalangan jalanraya yang sering berlaku di beberapa buah kawasan yang menghubungkan kedua daerah itu.
Kemalangan boleh saja berlaku seperti memandu melampaui had laju, memotong tanpa memberi isyarat yang mencukupi, berpusing bukan ditempat yang dibenarkan, tidak mematuhi tanda-tanda jalan, berlumba-lumba dan sebagainya. Punca lain ialah permukaan jalan yang tidak seimbang, bertingkat, berlobang dan air bertakung semasa atau selepas hujan.
Tindakan pihak berwajib menurap semula permukaan jalan yang rosak adalah dihargai dan merupakan sebagai satu usaha bagi mengurangkan bilangan kemalangan jalanraya yang telah banyak mengakibatkan kecederaan anggota tubuh badan, kemusnahan harta benda dan kehilangan jiwa.
Kekerapan kemalangan disatu-satu kawasan lebuhraya juga membawa petanda bahawa kawasan berkenaan perlu kepada pembaikan atau pengubasuaian. Kedudukan simpang jalan yang agak mengelirukan, kurang sesuai dan boleh mengundang bahaya perlu diberi perhatian wajar seperti menutup terus kawasan yang dianggap merbahaya itu dan mencari jalan alternatif yang lebih selesa dan terbaik.
Bagaimanapun, apapun langkah yang sedang dan akan dilaksanakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu, tidak akan memberi makna jika kita selaku pengguna tidak mengutamakan aspek-aspek keselamatan bila berada dijalanraya dan memanfaatkan kemudahan-kemudahan yang disediakan sepenuhnya.
Setup signboards to caution drivers (BB-31/10/06)
The tragedy of human loss due to road accidents in the sultanate is a combination of human negligence, awful road conditions and weather. The horrific fatality scene splashed in BB on 30/10/06 invokes one of many painful memories occurred several months ago when an elderly man succumbed to his injuries when the vehicle he was driving in collided with another car causing it to flip over and landed on its side just a few meters away from the recent fatal accident (29/10/2006). The latest happening is a near fatal blow to concerted efforts undertaken by relevant authorities to address the menace drastically and even they have done so, the threat remains intact. The recent incident may prompted a flurry of questions being raised by frequent commuters and individuals to what follow up actions must be taken by respective agencies to bring down the grim-looking fatalities figures on Brunei road. Weather condition cannot be blamed for all the mishaps irrespective of the circumstances but slippery roads are the contributing factors leading up to an accident if road users are not vigilant at all time. Some quarters of public urge concerned parties to take remedial actions such as setting up signboards warning road users to reduce their speed when approaching accidents-prone areas, increase inspection and maintenance schedules and rectify patchy, bumpy and neglected parts of road surfaces frequently.

Flashback - a fatal accident at a similar stretch that killed an old man in July 2006
Repairs works at killer bent underway (BB - 2/11/06)
Repair works are underway at Muara-Tutong highway close to a site where a young woman dies at a horrific accident recently. According to one of the workers at the location told bulletin the broken barriers will be replaced and extended as far as the U-turn point of entry upfront as added safety measures to reduce serious accidents in this frequent-hit accidents area.
The move is timely but more repair works are needed with other potentially dangerous stretches and bends to minimize the frequency of road mishap in the future. Road users are therefore advised to heed safety warnings and signs while works are being carried out. In Sunday’s accident (29/10/2006), a woman passenger was killed when a car he was traveling in smash into a central safety barrier when the driver was reportedly lost control of his vehicle and rammed into the safety divider. The car eventually landed on its side and an exposed metal barrier may have caused it to pierce through the car. They were thought to be heading towards Tutong from Bandar Seri Begawan. Road users have expressed uneasiness and their grievances are highlighted in the media recently on possible loose safety measures which inadvertently invites unexpected consequences.

Repairs works being carried out

Papantanda ‘kawasan kemalangan’ wajar dipasang (MP - 31/10/06)

Tragedi yang meragut nyawa penumpang kereta baru-baru ini adalah merupakan nahas terbaru yang terjadi di kawasan yang dianggap ‘berhantu’ kerana kekerapan kejadian kemalangan yang banyak mengakibatkan kebinasaan harta benda dan kehilangan jiwa. Apa yang menyedihkan peristiwa ini berlaku disaat kita semua bergembira menyambut hari mulia Aidil Fitri. Persoalannya, sanggupkah kita jadi penonton keatas kesengaraan orang lain tanpa mengambil langkah atau tindakan yang wajar untuk membendungnya?
Tidak dinafikan, kemalangan jalanraya banyak berpunca daripada kecuaian para pengguna itu sendiri namun faktor-faktor lain turut menyumbang kepada kadar meningkatnya kemalangan jalanraya. Kawasan lebuhraya yang bermula dari pusingan U hingga simpang padang tembak Bukit Aguk, telah menyaksikan peningkatan jumlah nahas jalanraya di tahun-tahun kebelakangan ini. Begitu juga kawasan berdekatan simpang keluar masuk Kg Bukit Panggal hingga ke pusingan U dan juga simpang masuk Binturan Camp.
Mengikut pengamatan para pengguna yang sering berulang alik dari Tutong ke Bandar Seri Begawan dan sebaliknya, mereka sependapat bahawa antara punca terjadinya kemalangan selain dari ‘human factor’ ialah kedudukan simpang jalan yang agak mengelirukan dan singkat serta keadaan permukaan jalan yang tidak seimbang, bertingkat dan licin.
Menurut mereka lagi kemalangan yang sering terjadi tidak bergantung kepada fakta cuaca semata-mata kerana kejadian kemalangan boleh saja terjadi dalam keadaan apa sekali pun. Namun, kebarangkalian terperangkap dalam kemalangan adalah tinggi ketika atau selepas hujan jika kurang waspada.
Mereka mencadangkan supaya simpang-simpang jalan yang ada pada ini dikaji semula kesesuaiannya, pemeliharaan jalanraya dipertingkatkan dan tanda-tanda amaran ‘kawasan kemalangan’ didirikan disepanjang kawasan lebuhraya yang dikenalpasti sebagai peringatan bersama agar pengguna lebih berhati-hati ketika melintasi kawasan-kawasan yang dimaksudkan.

tinggal kenangan… pemandu kereta ini maut selepas kenderaan yang dipandunya berlanggar dan terbalik beberapa bulan lalu dikawasan yang sama (Pusingan U sebelum Bukit Aguk)

Besi penghadang jalan diganti dan ditambah
Kerja-kerja mengganti besi pengadang jalan dilorong tengah yang rosak akibat dirempuh kereta dalam satu kemalangan ngeri Ahad lepas di lebuhraya Muara-Tutong sedang giat dijalankan.
Menurut salah seorang pekerja yang ditemui ditempat dimana kerja-kerja sedang berjalan memberitahu pihak media bahawa selain mengganti besi yang rosak, bilangannya juga ditambah dan dilaratkan hingga ke pusingan U sebagai langkah-langkah keselamatan untuk mengurangkan kadar kemalangan yang serius.
Tindakan pihak berwajib ini adalah dialu-alukan dan semoga usaha pembaikan, pengubahsuaian dan penambahan yang bersesuaian akan terus dibuat dimana-mana kawasan lain yang difikirkan perlu dan mungkin menjadi punca kemalangan jalanraya.
Orang ramai adalah dinasihatkan untuk memandu lebih berhati-hati ketika melalui kawasan tersebut dan sentiasa mematuhi tanda-tanda arahan semasa kerja-kerja sedang berjalan.
Dalam kejadian petang Ahad itu, seorang wanita terkorban apabila kereta yang dipandu oleh seorang lelaki dilaporkan hilang kawalan lalu merempuh besi pengadang jalan di pusingan U berdekatan dengan Bukit Aguk. Kedua-dua mangsa dikatakan sedang dalam perjalanan dari Bandar Seri Begawan menuju Tutong ketika nahas berlaku.
Kawasan ini kerap berlaku kemalangan dan beberapa rungutan para pengguna telah dipaparkan didada akhbar tempatan baru-baru ini yang mempersoalkan kelemahan aspek-aspek keselamatan yang mungkin menjadi penyebab utama sering terjadinya kemalangan dikawasan berkenaan.

Kerja-kerja mengganti dan memasang besi keselamatan di kawasan Pusingan U berdekatan Bukit Aguk sedang berjalan Nota : Bahan berita ini tidak dikeluarkan oleh MP. Mungkin pihak penyunting dah berpuas hati dengan pendedahan awal yang saya buat

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Chilling out in KL

Last month (14-17/2/07), I made a frutiful short trip to KL via Airasia. It's a wonderful first experience for my son, 4, as this is the first time he had a chance to travel by plane as a reward for achieving promising exam result. Months before, I broke this tantalizing offer to him that I would fulfill his dream of flying on a plane only if he gained commendable result.
Unfortunately, he was placed 7th out of 32 pupils in his class, not a bad result afterall. Even he finished last, I would take him for a joyride as he always relished of riding a gondola (eyeofmalaysia) and visiting AquariaKLCC (he loves marine lifes).
Here are several shots that I managed to capture and of course, with stories:
"It chills down the spine...." (BB-24/2/07)
HOLIDAYING has not been my priority in recent years as far as budget is concerned. Saving hard earned cash only to spend them lavishly bound to spell trouble and put an unnecessary financial burden. However, taking a little break to unwind abroad would invigorate one’s mind and soul once returning back to work. Keeping my promise as a reward for my kid for achieving good results in last year exams, I managed to dig a hole in my pocket for his maiden voyage overseas for a short holiday excursion in Kuala Lumpur - a haven for shopping, entertainment and amusement parks recently. My trip wasn’t a fruitful one, nevertheless my first encounter traveling with Air Asia; a Malaysian low-fare airline certainly suits my budget. Since the Chinese festivity was just around the corner, it was not surprising though most of the traveling entourage was foreigners working in the sultanate. When I asked one Chinese family member where he would be if somehow he missed the boat for a family get-together back home? He jokingly said he would freeze to death! Understandably, this once a year auspicious occasion is traditionally a time of reunion, feasting and reconciling with family members, love ones and friends. Upon arriving at LCCT, the atmosphere speaks volume with an upsurge of passengers coming in and out of the terminal. The bigger picture is that the RM108 million airport is capable of handling 10 million passengers a year and has a further capability of expanding up to 15 million passengers in the future. In fact, the terminal is exclusively designed to facilitate the passengers’ movement of international and domestic departures/arrivals within a single operation area thus it doesn’t require travelators, escalators or aerobridges to move about. After less than an hour traveling in a taxi, we reached at a designated hotel at a sprawling and affluent commercial area of Bukit Bintang. With the advent of internet, it is a hassle-free as I booked the hotel online a few weeks in advance. That’s the beauty of conducting business transaction through internet but there is a catch. If somehow the occupants couldn’t make up the trip, some portion of it would be refunded provided the claim is made at a specified number of days plus administrative and cancellation charges deducted from the initial booking. The world’s tallest twin tower is at the vicinity of a cluster of high-rise hotels, apartments and shopping arcades. For this very reason, I choose to stay at one of the hotels here. The magnificent building is best observed at night and the absorbing atmosphere shouldn’t be slipped away easily without capturing it on camera! Another added advantage staying at one of the hotels here is the availability of a 24 hours Indian restaurant and 7 Eleven outlets which could be reached within a walking distance from hotels. Right on the onset, KL Aquaria comes to my thought. My kid is very fond of marine lives and that is another reason why I took time out to be in KL. Here, more than 3,000 sea creatures of various shapes and sizes such as tiger sharks, stingrays, giant catfish and eels living harmoniously in the stimulated natural habitat and they can hide in the hidden shipwrecks, colonized by inquisitive reef inhabitants.

My son being surrounded by "Penguins" at Mines Wonderland
The climax of the journey is its tunnel; a moving walkway inside the 90m acrylic tunnel, a view only previously accessible to divers venturing into the depths of the brilliant ocean. Its curving 55mm thick tunnel is made to withstand an enormous amount of pressure from the 2.7 million liters of water that fills the living ocean. Visitors can stop off at different spots anytime to view animals gliding and swimming. We are a bit unfortunate as the feeding hours have elapsed or otherwise we could observe trained divers hand-feeding the fish including rays and large sharks. For birds and natural lovers, KL Bird Park is a place not to be missed. It is a home to more than 3,000 birds and 200 species from all over the world and it only takes about 10 minutes drive from the city centre. With colorful sights and melodic sounds of birds perching and winging about freely, guests will be fascinated at the natural and beautifully landscaped surroundings. Visitors may take a camera shot with birds resting on their shoulders and hands at a meager fee.

Sliding on ice
The Zoo Negara (National Zoological Park) is another added attraction. Situated 13km from downtown Kuala Lumpur; it features about 400 species of Malaysian and exotic mammals, reptiles and birds. Among the exotic exhibits to watch are the Sumatran tiger, Orangutans and gibbons. A multi-animal show in the Main Amphitheatre supplements a day’s visit to the zoo with three ‘clowns’ invited on stage performing some tricks to the delight of the spectators. On a sour note, the sea lion was unable to show off his skills as the pond it used to juggle the ball around was rendered polluted by the supervisors.

White shark swims at AquariaKLCC
Unpredictable weather condition hampered our trip as rains showered KL including suburban areas where most of the amusements parks were located. However, we managed to chill out with a visit to a recreational park of Mines Wonderland which is built around a former mining-pool, 20 km minutes’ drive away from KL. This park offers a -15 degree Celsius winter house with snow, a nightly glittering floats parade on the lake while a stunning laser and multimedia presentation awaits visitors. There is also a cultural show and a boat ride across the lake. During the visit, we mingled with a group of Iranian tourists who provided a perfect backdrop against a gloomy night with their traditional dances just before the fountain water danced its way to the tune of vibrant musical songs.

Cruising along a river
VMY 2007 has plenty to offer and explore but due to time constraint and budget limitation, we round off our trip with a 12 minute gondola ride at Lake Titiwangsa. Riding the giant wheel sends shivers down our spine when it starts to move rapidly but gradually excitement takes over anxiety. Built at the lake riverbank, the 360 degrees ride over the lake is an exhilarating experience with a bird’s eye breathtaking panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur. This giant wheel becomes the focal point since it is the official launch pad of VMY 2007 and it remains there until the end of the year.
Magnificient Petronas Twin Tower
“Eye of Malaysia” jadi tarikan utama TMM 2007 (MP-2/3/07)
Antara tarikan pelancungan sempena Tahun Melawat Malaysia (TMM) 2007 ialah “Eye of Malaysia” yang terletak di Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. Dengan ketinggian 60 meter, roda gergasi ini secara rasminya dilancarkan pengunaannya pada 6 Januari lalu oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
“Eye On Malaysia” membuka dimensi dan perspektif baru kepada para pengunjung apabila mereka berpeluang menyaksikan pemandangan indah kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur dengan hanya berkunjung ke Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. Roda gergasi ini adalah ilham daripada “London Eye” iaitu buaian roda yang termashyur di Britain dan Malaysia adalah negara pertama di Asia Tenggara yang memiliki roda sepertinya.


Roda buaian ini berharga RM30 juta dan dilengkapi dengan 42 tempat duduk (gondola) yang berhawa dingin serta berkeupayaan mengangkut 386 penumpang dalam satu masa. Setiap gondola boleh membawa sehingga 8 orang penumpang dan mengambil masa kira-kira 12 minit untuk menghabiskan pusingan yang ditetapkan bergantung kepada kelajuan roda. Gondola untuk VIP juga disediakan bagi mereka yang mahu menyewa secara pakej dengan harga yang berlainan dari gondola biasa.

Pancaran laser keudara dari fountain water
TMM 2007 bertambah meriah lagi kerana hari kemerdekaan negara itu yang ke-50 jatuh tahun ini. Untuk menambah kerancakan sambutan jubli emas itu, 50 acara-acara utama sudah disusun sepanjang tahun seperti perarakan besar-besaran darat dan air, persembahan kebudayaan, pertunjukan antarabangsa dan pelbagai karnival perayaan akan mengambil tempat dalam bulan Ogos dengan kemuncaknya perkiraan detik pelancaran (countdown) pada malam mejelang 31 Ogos di Dataran Merdeka.
TMM 2007, yang bertemakan “Sambutan Jubli Emas” adalah merupakan edisi ketiga selepas siri pertama pada 1990 dan kedua pada 1994 yang telah berjaya melakar kejayaan. TMM 2007 dijangka dapat menarik 20.1 juta pelancong ke negara itu dengan tukaran wang asing dijangka mencecah RM44.5 bilion.

Plane crash survivor

Awang Sigar with his right arm in a sling
Have anybody read news on a deadly plane crash in Yogyakarta on March 7? It come flashing around the world and eventually make its way to Brunei in the form of an article published in the local newspaper (Borneo Bulletin dated 17/3/07)?
The article evolves around a plane crash survivor, Awang Sigar Labau, 48 (pic) who happen to be a Bruneian. He recounts his horrific ordeal after Garuda plane he was traveling with his colleague crashed landed and exploded into a ball of fire. Miraculously, he survived along with other 119 passengers who were either unscathed or partially burnt but other 21 passengers or crews perished. The horrifying recounts of his ordeal merits compliment as he managed to save an anguished Indonesian passenger who clung to his shoulder in desperation and he grasped him to safety by jumping from the exit door.
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“I will survive”: Awang Sigar recounting his horrific ordeal after surviving from Garuda crash (BB-17/3/07) The weather condition was perfectly fine. The pilot announced it through a headphone a few minutes after the ill-fated plane bound for the cultural capital of Yogyakarta took off, some 440km away from Jakarta. Awang Sigar Labau, 48, was one of the passengers aboard the Garuda Airways Boeing 737- 400. He was on his way to attend a meeting of the Working Committee on Asean Capital Accounts Liberalization in the city. However, he failed to show up at the meeting as the doomed aircraft overshot the runaway, caught in a ball of fire and exploded while landing at Yogyakarta’s Adi Sucipto shortly before 7am local time on Wed, March 7. “We departed from hotel at 4.30am and expected to reach Yogyakarta in 45 minutes. I didn’t take the breakfast in the plane as I have taken one at the hotel. I have to sit at the back row with my colleague, Ak Sharulazmi, after a cabin crew told us there was no space left if we insist to sit at the front row of the plane,” told Awang Sigar relating his ordeal during a total chaos developing at the cabin seconds before the plane slammed onto the ground and skidded off the runway, caught fire after hitting the fence and landed on a paddy field. The plane was carrying 133 passengers and 7 crew members. 21 deaths were recorded. Awang Sigar fractured his right shoulder as well as pains and bruises in the abdomen area while Ak Sharulazmi unscathed.
“Luckily, the emergency door was a few steps away from where we sat. During the mayhem, we have no choice but to jump over the seats behind us as the passage leading to the back door was blocked by panicking and surging passengers.
I realized a shoe was missing from my left feet apparently came off during the melee. I managed to grasp it between the advancing feet and out of nowhere, after putting on the shoe, a notion creeping through my conscious mind that I repeatedly said to myself, “I will survive,” recounted his last-ditched effort to break loose from the intoxicating smoke and fire. On his way to the exit door, an Indonesian passenger suddenly clung to his shoulder begging for assistance as he was having a great difficulty of standing up steadily. He grasped him firmly and made an incredible escape from the inferno by jumping over the safety slide.
“We didn’t slip through the slide as it must have been damaged by the heavy load of escaping passengers. Pushing and shoving were the order of the day as everybody rammed the exit door. As soon as our feet landed on a flat surface, we knew by then we were cheated death,” explained Awang Sigar describing moments after he and other passengers managed to scramble to safety and forcefully took shelter on the paddy field before help arrived.
“As far as I can remembered, I got a nasty knock on my right shoulder. My body must have been thrown forward hitting at the back of the front seats as the plane was maneuvering violently on its way to taxiing. I could see the runway through the window when suddenly the light went off and Ak Sharulazmi screamed when he spotted a smoke billowing from the left wing and soon after, we smell smoke inside the fuselage. I heard a shout presumably a crew member directing us to evacuate. Ak Sharulazmi was quick to react and I followed his trail,” said Awang Sigar.
Still dazing and trying to comprehend what had transpired on him, he found himself standing in a no man’s land. He witnessed a total devastation with the plane was reduced to a smoldering wreck of twisted metal, survivors nursing injuries and tears rolling down their cheeks strolling aimlessly on the hilly paddy field. “The scenery was like a war battlefield,” Awang Sigar exclaimed. “Thank God I’ve been given another lease of life,” added Awang Sigar referring to his battle against nose cancer in 2001 and subsequently survived. “I made a phone call to my immediate relative in Brunei as I didn’t want to break the dreaded news to my wife and children. I wanted to relay the bad news as calmly as possible.”
The survivors were immediately evacuated and taken to a nearby military hospital. From the x-ray result, Awang Sigar’s right shoulder was fractured which he believed suffered when it banged against the metal surface during the turbulent touch down. Two Brunei embassy officials in Jakarta dashed to Yogyakarta to ascertain the extent of their condition after being informed of the accident from relevant authorities to expedite necessary arrangements to bring them home via Jakarta.
Awang Sigar and Ak Sharulazmi were transferred to a privately-run local international hospital and hospitalized there for two days. After surviving the near impossible, fear gripping his mind again. They have to choose whether to travel to Jakarta by land or plane. If they decided to take a car, they might feel discomfort as they have to endure 7 to 8 hours of traveling.
“I was trembling and the vivid memory of a crash came flashing deep into my minds. I made me shivered as the ‘prospect’ of going through another horrifying ordeal was on the cards. Obviously traveling by car would aggravate further my condition, I brushed aside my baseless premonition and take a plane instead,” evoked Awang Sigar when he forced himself to make a crucial decision to take him and his colleague to Jakarta operated by the same airline.
Awang Sigar and Ak. Sharulazmi stayed overnight at Jakarta before flown back to Brunei March, 10 by Brunei Airlines to the awaiting and comforting arms of their family. From the airport, they were taken to RIPAS Hospital for further medical screening. Awang Sigar was given a 5 weeks’ leave from duty to help him fully recovered from the horrific accident.
“The tragedy will haunt me forever. However, it would not deter me from traveling on an airplane again. Time will tell. I thank the Brunei Embassy in Jakarta, Garuda Airlines, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health, other ministries and individuals for their prompt and utmost support and assistance during our extreme predicament.
Awang Sigar is the Assistance Director of Financial Institution, Ministry of Finance since December 2005. He hails from Kg. Parit in Temburong District and bless with five children.

Cancer survivor

Cancer has transformed my personality into a new “me”, a better “me” - Lawrence Loh
"I felt betrayed by the very professionals to whom I entrusted my life and who I believed was all trained in their specialized fields. I t proved to be a total failure of the health care system," that was the excerpt extracted from the book "Thank Goodness I have Cancer" authored by Lawrence Loh, a cancer survivor turned freelance writer. The book focuses on the author's experience in battling against all odds from colon cancer and the adoption of complementary therapies in herbs, supplements and coffee enemas in his undying struggle to assist healing and finally recovering in 2006. I made an interview with this amazing guy who simply refused to throw in a towel and embarked on a shopping spree trying multifarious medicinal herbs, supplements and coffee enema therapy after realizing his progress to recovery is painstakingly painful after a 4cm malignant tumor detected in his colon (after surgery) and subsequently undergoing a chemotherapy. Mr Loh can be reached at +6738742313
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Cancer has transformed my personality: Mr. Loh (BB-10/3/07)
“I felt betrayed by the very professionals to whom I entrusted my life and who I believed was all trained in their specialized fields. It proved to be a total failure of the health care system,” Those were the excerpts taken from a book “Thank Goodness I have cancer” authored by Lawrence Loh, a cancer survivor turned freelance writer. This book focuses on the author’s experience in battling against all odds from colon cancer and the adoption of complementary therapies in herbs, supplements and coffee enemas in his undying struggle to assist healing and finally recovering in 2006. “The response from the public is very encouraging and it turned out to be the best selling book at this fair. The unavailability of such a book in Brunei or neighboring countries inspired me to write this book; so that others may benefit using it as a catalyst or a base from which to gain further knowledge and information. It took me four years to write the book taking me to China, Malaysia and Australia to do research. Along the way, I uncovered remedial multifarious medicines to supplement my ongoing treatment that rejuvenates my battered body. The cost does not come cheap as I have to fork out thousands of dollars to cover the expenses,” said the author when met at “Brunei Book Fiesta 2007” at Indoor Stadium in Berakas recently. “I never thought the deadly disease would befall on me. I endured a bloated stomach and a feeling of being overfed although the intake of his food was cut by half. Concurrently, I suffered severe backaches when getting out of bed in the morning accompanied by the severest of headaches which not even painkillers could relieve my chronic discomfort. The affliction lasted only for 30 minutes or so but the pain was unbearable,” said the author recounting his painful experience some eight months before he was diagnosed with colon cancer. “I was merely resting on my laurels since I was comforted by the thought that I just had my full executive health screening less than a year before at a reputable private medical center in a neighboring country. Moreover, I had at least three similar screenings at the same medical center for the last ten years by three different specialist physicians and in all occasions, I was given a clean bill of health. The tests proved to be false negative,” he lamented. Making matters worst, his frequency of motion was increased to an irregular 3 times per day and his stools appeared a soft shinny-black consistency with mucus overlay. His suffering continued unabated for the next succeeding days and he had to ascertain the root cause of his chronic discomfort at a local clinic. After divulging his symptoms to a doctor, he was immediately referred to general hospital and ultimately admitted to undergo colonoscopy. The unexpected surfaced after doctors broke the dreaded news to him. A 4cm sized malignant tumor was detected and surgery had to be performed to remove it. How could the medical specialists missed out the tumor which had probably grown over a period of ten years? He wondered. Recuperating from the surgery, his ‘celebration’ was short-lived when the doctor informed him three lymph nodes which had been removed during the surgery had been tested positive and cancerous cells had perforated the serosa (the last membrane of colon). Worst still, if there was a leak either of intestinal fluid or blood from the colon, it could aggravate his condition. Based on the doctor’s assessment, he was categorized as having “Duke C” (Cancers are staged or graded according to the seriousness or spread of the disease; Duke A (stage 1) to Duke D (stage 4) with Stage 4 being the end-stage cancer). “I am totally shattered. I halfhearted put in a brave face and heart when the doctor said I have to undergo chemotherapy. I don’t know much about chemotherapy but based on my little knowledge, it is toxic to the body and it kills good cells as well. I was told there would be probably be side effects of hair loss, nausea, general malaise and constipation after the therapy. Now I realized that my battle against cancer has just begun. However, my whole families have been gone through thick and thin during my extreme predicament.” Although surgery and chemotherapy were instrumental in his recovery, nonetheless, Mr. Loh believes and has proven that a regular administration of coffee enemas coupled with consuming herbs and nutritional supplement have been important prophylactics for the prevention of recurrence and henceforth, cure. According to Mr. Loh, as with most cancers, colon cancers are, more often than not, asymptomatic (meaning without showing symptoms) in the early stages. This is what cancers so dangerous and so difficult to treat in their late stages and they could have spread to nearby lymph nodes or distal organs such as lungs, brain and bones. Obviously, who would go for occult blood test if one does not have any symptoms and cannot see any significant traces of tarry stools? Nevertheless, as Mr. Loh suggests, it is always prudent to be vigilant and refer any suspicious symptoms to a doctor preferably once a year. Grief stricken by the uncertainty, the author assisted his healing by embarking on a ‘shopping spree’ and sought to other alternatives such as traditional Chinese medicine, green tea extract, olive oil extract, herbal medicines and so forth. He knew by then there was no such thing as smooth sailing judging from statistics. Based on statistical extrapolation, the author believes that cancer death-rate in the sultanate will increase over the next five years period (2003-2007) and in the future years unless treatments are discovered and positive actions taken to lessen environmental pollution, the avoidance of carcinogenic substances and chemicals as well as the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. “I am optimistic with the publication of this book will open up public perception and stimulate awareness on the importance of maintaining healthy way of life through balanced-diet, proper exercise and decent lifestyles.” When asked what is the best complementary remedy which help to expedite the process to recovery? Mr. Loh singled out the Coffee Enema therapy. It has an amazing cleansing effect and harmless when administered properly. It is considered as the most effective form of therapy because of its immediate impact against detoxification, constipation and other maladies. During recovery process, Mr. Loh went on a strict diet regime. He kept sugar out of sight (Sugar is a food for cancer cells), refrained from all sorts of fats, milk, meat and only took fruits, uncooked vegetables, plenty of freshly-made and vegetables juices. He also had faith of drinking distilled water as he believed it is the best solvent against metabolic toxins. Nevertheless, he cautioned against complacency. “Cancers are curable. There are no such things as incurables; they are only things for which man has not found a cure. I feel cancer is not a curse but a blessing in disguise but uncovering that disguise is a challenge. I have learnt that every problem, there is a solution and with every difficulty, there are opportunities. Cancer has transformed my personality and family,” uttered Mr Loh who was borne 54 years ago in Kg Labu Estate in Temburong but raised in Kg Lambak (Brunei Muara District). He earns his living as a banking consultant since 1997 and blessed with three children. What is cancer anyway? Generally, cancer is caused by uncontrolled cells growth but what precipitates him can be found in his book, the author indicated. Is he really cured? A cancer patient is considered healed if there is no recurrence within a period of 5 years. Mr. Loh has enjoyed six year of remission. A word of advice? “I firmly believe that a doctor owes his patient a special ‘duty of care’ pertaining to the result of a diagnosis especially it relates to a fatal disease and that duty of care is to advise his patient to seek a second or third opinion before making a medical decision. Never rely on a single medical diagnosis,” he concluded.