MoU tied up a boost for Brunei Co-ops (bb-17/7/07)
THE formalization of MoU between Brunei Industrial Development Authority (BINA) and Co-operative College of Malaysia (CCM) has signaled a dawn of new era of cooperation between Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia in co-operative sector. The MoU will not only benefit BINA in particular but co-operative community in the sultanate will be given a fair share of opportunities to undergo a range of educational and training courses offered at CCM. Other areas of interests as a result of MoU tied up include research, consultation, attachment program, exchange of co-operative development information and Study or working visits to CCM and other related institutions.
Both Ministers of MIPR and MECD posing for a group photo
The idea of joint cooperation was mooted when the visiting CCM officials made a 5 day working visit to the sultanate in Dec last year led by Hjh Hayati Mohd Salleh. While in the country, the delegation also conducted case studies on several co-operative establishments to collect relevant information on co-operative movement in the country. They were hosted by BINA and made a courtesy call to Deputy Permanent Secretary at MIPR, Pg Hjh Mariana PDNLDR Pg Hj Momin.
Hjh Hayati delevering her talk
Further development started to gather momentum when the Minister of MIPR, Pehin Dr. Hj Ahmad bin Hj Jumat and Dato Seri Mohamed Khaled bin Nordin met at the 8th Minister's Conference on Co-operative Legislation and Policy held in Kuala Lumpur March this year where both ministries agreed to forge a MoU cooperation.
“I must be the happiest person today,” a gleeful Hjh Hayati, 54, who plays an instrumental role in BINA-CCM partnership when she was speaking during a talk after the MoU signing in the presence of GKN (National Co-operative Alliance) board of directors, co-operative leaders and BINA officials. She praised BINA for sheer commitment and dynamism for making the common goal achievable. Currently she serves as Head centre for Administration, Law and Leadership at CCM. Before holding her presence post, she was the former director of CCM, Sarawak branch.
A dynamic and well-liked figure in his native state of Johor and Malaysia, Hjh Hayati has more than 30 years of experience in co-operative business and she made frequent visits to the sultanate in 80’s to give assistance and guidance to co-operative officials especially matters pertaining to administration and management of co-operatives.
Previously since the late 1970s, officials from the then Jabatan Kemajuan Kerjasama, (now known as BINA in 1996 after merging with Industrial Unit, MIPR) are frequently invited to attend courses funded by CCM such as through Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP) to help Brunei streamlining its fledgling co-operative department which was established in 1974. A year later, Co-operative Act governing co-operative matters was introduced and reinforced.
Group photo with Koperasi BKSS
As for CCM, it specializes in co-operative studies and it is placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development (MECD). The discussions and planning to establish the Co-operative College of Malaya began in 1948 but due to lack of funds, the proposal was temporarily shelved and was revived in 1953. Its construction was financed from various funds; the Colonial Welfare and Development Fund, Singapore Government and 2 % profits remitted by each co-operative.
In 13hb November 1956, the college’s campus was officially opened and last year, CCM reaches a historic milestone when it celebrated 50 years of its existence. In its strategic planning program, CCM is committed to accomplish a world class co-operative training institution in Malaysia by the year 2010.
Group photo with Koperasi SETENAGA
While their stay in Brunei, the delegation made a visit to Koperasi Badan Kebajikan, Sukan dan Sosial (BKSS), Ministry of Health and Koperasi SETENAGA, Kg Tanjung Nangka.