Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blogs making headway in Brunei (bb-30/6/07)
Khairil, 39 is a veterinarian employed at a local farm. Mak, 22, an IT technician at government agency and Jamila, 22, a student. They may come from a different background and profession but they have one obsession in common; they are bloggers.
“Blogging is a new subject to me. I have just started a month ago but I find it very encouraging when I started getting comments from friends and visitors on the quality of photos I posted in my blog,” said Khairil after discovering a new way to reach out apart from other conventional communications. “My blog is all about my personal routine and interest,” Jamilah said. The statement is echoed by her colleague, Mak, an affectionate photographer. “By blogging, I able to promote my interest and feedbacks from visitors allow me to improve my techniques of capturing pictures”.

Kairil's blog; a passionate photographer dedicating to his 'masterpiece' collections (
Rightly so, this novel technological advancement has transcended beyond our imagination and helped people around the globe to interconnect thereby providing a new mean of communication for millions of bloggers since the first-hand made blog is said to appear in 1999 created by Evan Williams.
Historically, in his quest to find the solution to an updating issue leads Williams to discover a flexible way to reduce time and hassle by inventing a suitable software or program to deal with webpage contents. Normally, to update a website, we must use an HTML editor, edit the text and add HTML formatting, use FTP to upload it and the page is then available. But his new method allowed him to open a webpage, type into a text box, clicks submit and it is instantly accessible as a webpage.

Jamila' blog; "its all about my daily routine and interest" (
What is blog anyway which has taken the internet by storm? It is basically a journal or a diary that is available on the website. Blogs by their nature are short spontaneous entries, a series of observations, comments, notes and so on. They are frequently written in a personal tone where the writer or blogger will write in different themes or provide links to useful websites. Blogs or weblogs can offer RSS feeds and are interactive where users can post comments on the content.
During my attachment at a local IT company in the mid 90’s, blog is virtually unheard off. Webpage or homepage was the newest mode of advertising at that time. As part of an assignment, I was given a task to create a homepage of the company to replace the out of date one. Given the fact that HTM editors are scarce and books are the only reference, I have to rely heavily on HTML codes. For instance, if I mistyped ‘#3299CC’ instead of ‘#3232CC’, my intended background color is turned to sky blue from medium blue. Sadly, my ‘masterpiece’ never materialized because of some other technical difficulties linking it externally to a web host.
I doubt even die-hard ones would bother to stretch off their fingers with HTML codes. The once and the only predominantly old guards in the old days have been pushed out of the limelight with the availability of advanced internet-friendly HTML editing tools flooding the internet market.
Nonetheless, blogs didn’t really start to take off until the late 90’s; they gained in popularity only after 2000. Early blogs were mostly lists of recommended links with some commentaries. Since then, they have evolved to something different. Now anyone without technical or minimal knowledge could fancy blogging. For some, blogs are strictly self-importance projects as they ramble on about their daily observations to family and friends. For others, blogs take on a deeper meaning. Blogs can be used to make political statements, promote products, provide research information and give tutorial services.
Thanks to its convenience of use, blogs have turned a website into an active information distribution and many people actually have a blog as a subset of their website. This subculture which sprung up around the blogsphere giving rise to much more interactive websites for organizations, small companies, divisions within companies, clubs, schools, associations and others. In a way, blogs also allow collaborative publishing. A small group of experts can discuss an issue and it can be read by thousands. A blog can also be opened and allowed anyone to create new topics and start discussions.

Mak's blog; dedicated to his personal collection of photos (
But there's more to blogs. The advanced blog tools are in fact content management and distribution tools. These can be used for business. Blogs aren't just public either; there are private blogs as well. These can be internal newsletters for a family, a group of friends, a school class, a project team and so forth. They can share daily information, such as major family events, like new babies, updates on an upcoming wedding or get-together, collection of personal photos and ubiquitous topics.
To run and maintain the blog, a blogger usually updates his blogs daily using simply and easy-to-use software such as, and many other more innovative software. Postings on a blog are always arranged in chronological order with the most recent additions features most prominently. In laymen’s term, it is a public way for people of speaking over the internet, share what they are thinking and what is on their mind. Simple blogs are mostly just diaries but the advanced blog tools can distribute information to a greater effect and reach wider audiences. Blogs tools are normally easier to use and its unparalleled power may someday replace chat lists, mailing lists and email newsletters.
It is not surprising though, everyone seems to hook up and jump on the blogging bandwagon with Brunei without an exception. Blogs have gained a strong foothold and an instant craze in this country. Seemingly a large number of bloggers making the airwaves with a diverse interest in food, education, business, economics, personal, photo journalists, tech, travel, lifestyles and hobbies. Blogs could be simple and straightforward to a more appealing content with beautifully crafted design and flashy. Hundreds of blogs have sprung up as more individuals or groups found it convenient and fastest to share their opinions, views and complaints and promoting or advertising their products and services. Nevertheless, keep away from writing defamatory statements or raising controversial issues to avoid infringing the applicable terms and conditions.
Realizing the importance of bloggers in promoting the local tourism industry, a local internet service provider has come up with an idea by organizing the first ever ‘Blog Competition’ for bloggers in support of Brunei Tourism’s Year long ‘Kenali Negara Kitani’ (Get to know our country) campaign in the run up to Visit Brunei Year 2008 by blogging about any place worth visiting in Brunei. Cool prizes are up for grabs and I predict blogs will overtake the ‘conventional’ websites largely due to its phenomenal power of ease and flexibility.

Will blogs replace books and other forms of information? In comparison, books are organized writing which means a unified multi-page document, constructed with a central idea, table of contents, introduction, chapters, summaries, index and others. Organized writing includes reviewers, editors and often publishers. On the other hand, blogs are good for making observations but the nature of blog tools (a serial collection of entries) is not good for writing a document and naturally places a limit on blogs.

But for now, it appears that blogging is here to stay. If you are considered a blog, you will be happy to learn that many services to create your own blog as easy as typing and clicking. Why not start your own blog now!

Accident topples truck (bb-30/6/07)
A burst tire is believed to be the cause of a mishap when a sand-laden truck skidded and landed on its side along the heavily congested intersection along Jalan Jerudong late yesterday afternoon (29/6/07).

According to an eye witness, the driver of the truck seemed to having a difficulty negotiating his vehicle apparently when one of its rear tires punctured. As a result of the self-accident, a load of sand and some amount of black oily liquid apparently oozing out from the engine deposited on the surface of the road.
The driver suffered minor injuries and police personnel were immediately deployed to attend the injured driver and control the flow of traffic.

Canteen handlers attend healthy talks (bb-2/7/07)
THE Community Nutrition Services Division, Health Services Department of Ministry of Health with the cooperation of Koperasi BKSS of the same ministry is proactively embarking on a project to educate food handlers and public on the importance of maintaining a healthy way of life by reducing the intake of unhealthy food or sugar-sweetened beverages.
For a start, a canteen run by Koperasi BKSS at RIPAS Hospital is chosen as a modal for the pilot project. Officers has made some visits to the canteen and taken samples of a variety of drinks for a laboratory test. Initially, the division focuses their target on beverages popularly ordered by customers to check their calorie contents and the amount of sugar added to the drinks. With the findings, the division will be able to come up with general ideas, solutions and advises to canteen handlers to limit an excessive intake of sugar that would pose a healthy risk along with other harmful additives.

Hjh Roseyati giving a talk
In the long run, the scope of the project will be extended to food consumption and it will involve the participation of other canteen handlers in other ministries. The initiative being implemented by the division would in a way helps to fend off the alarming increase of obesity and other health-related illnesses among the population in the country. It is hoped the project will generate an interest and awareness especially from the public (customers) on the values of maintaining a healthy lifestyles through a good and balanced-diet intake of food and drink.
The talk was conducted by two officers from the division; Hjh Roseyati DP Hj Yakub and Nur Asma Aini Hj Mat Yassin. It was attended by members of Koperasi BKSS Board of Directors, canteen handlers and public. It was held yesterday (29/6/07) at RIPAS Hospital.

Pengendali kantin hadiri ceramah kesihatan (mp-30/6/07)
BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Jumaat – Bahagian Perkhidmatan Pemakanan Masyarakat, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Kesihatan, Kementerian Kesihatan dengan kerjasama Koperasi BKSS telah secara proaktif menggiatkan satu projek bagi memberi pendidikan yang berterusan kepada pengendali makanan dan orang ramai tentang mustahaknya sentiasa menjaga kesihatan dengan mengurangkan pengambilan makanan berlebihan yang boleh memudaratkan kepada kesihatan tubuh badan atau pengambilan minuman yang banyak mengandungi gula.
Mengikut perancangan asal, kantin yang dijalankan oleh Koperasi BKSS yang terletak di Hospital RIPAS telah dijadikan sebagai projek perintis bagi rancangan itu. Beberapa orang pegawai dari bahagian berkenaan telah melakukan lawatan dan mengambil contoh minuman bagi tujuan ujian makmal. Buat permulaan, bahagian ini mengkaji beberapa jenis minuman popular yang sering dipesan oleh pelanggan bagi mengenal pasti kandungan sebenar kalori dan gula. Melalui kajian itu, bahagian pemakanan dapat membuat kesimpulan yang kemudiannya akan dijadikan sebagai panduan berguna kepada pengendali kantin dan juga orang ramai.

Hjh Roseyati DP H Yakub
Untuk jangka panjang, skop projek ini akan dilaratkan kepada pengendalian makanan yang akan melibatkan penyertaan kantin-kantin di kementerian dan jabatan lain. Inisiatif yang sedang diungkayahkan oleh bahagian ini adalah diharap akan dapat mengurangkan pengingkatan kadar kegemukan dan penyakit-penyakit lain di kalangan penduduk di negara ini. Melalui kajian ini juga, orang ramai selaku pelanggan akan lebih menyedari akan pentingnya mengamalkan cara hidup sihat melalui pengambilan makanan yang berkhasiat dan seimbang.
Ceramah itu telah diselenggarakan oleh dua orang pegawai dari bahagian berkenaan iaitu Hjh Roseyati DP Hj Yakub and Nur Asma Aini Hj Mat Yassin. Majlis dihadiri oleh ahli lembaga pengarah Koperasi BKSS, pengendali kantin dan orang ramai. Ia berlangsung pagi tadi di Hospital RIPAS (29/6/07).

Thanksgiving ceremony for new converts (bb-2/7/07)
A thanksgiving ceremony to welcome new converts from the PMMPMHAMB Hospital was held yesterday (28/6/07). The ceremony was for two nurses from the hospital who embraced the Islamic faith recently. It was held at the lobby of the Radiology Unit of the hospital in Tutong. The two converts are Nur Diyana Abdullah Sauk and Aziati Alia Abdullah Engkap. Currently, both nurses work at the female and male wards respectively.

Aziati Alia dan Nurdiyana

The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Awang Mohmad Hj Abd Hamid in his speech said in the last five years in the history of the hospital, there were 11 new faces comprising of officers and staff who have converted the Islamic belief. He said the sacrifices shown by the new converts could be translated and practiced by all employees by fully committing themselves in whatever projects or events undertaken by the hospital in any forms to achieve excellence in a trajectory of success.

Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Hj Osman menyampaikan cederhati
Also present at the event were the State Legislative Council member, Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Hj Osman bin Abdullah Uking and Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Dato Paduka Haji Serbini Ali.
A special talk was delivered by Ustaz Hj Tarof bin Padri entitled “A responsibility as a Muslim”. This was followed by a Dikir Marhaban presented by An Nur group of the hospital and later by a souvenir presentation to the new converts by the State Legislative Council member. A thanksgiving prayer was read by Ustaz Ibrahim bin Alikhan to bless the event.
Doa kesyukuran bagi saudara baru (mp-29/6/07)
TUTONG, Khamis – Satu majlis doa kesyukuran bagi menyambut dua orang saudara baru dari Rumah Sakit PMMPMHAMB Tutong berlangsung petang tadi (28/6/07). Mereka yang diraikan ialah Nur Diyana Abdullah Sauk dan Aziati Alia Abdullah Engkap yang mana ketika ini masing-masing bertugas sebagai jururawat di bahagian wad perempuan dan wad lelaki di rumah sakit tersebut.
Pemangku Pegawai Eksekutif, Awang Mohmad Hj Abd Hamid dalam ucapannya berkata dalam tempoh lima tahun kebelakangan ini, seramai 11 orang pegawai dan kakitangan rumah sakit berkenaan telah memilih Islam sebagai pegangan hidup mereka.
Katanya, pengorbannnya yang mereka tunjukkan boleh diterjemahkan dalam perkerjaan harian bagi setiap pegawai dan kakitangan untuk sentiasa bersedia untuk berkorban sama ada dalam bentuk tenaga, buah fikiran atau harta benda dalam sama-sama mencapai kecemerlangan dalam pekerjaan kerana melalui pengorbanan itu akan dapat melahirkan rasa komitmen dan bertanggungjawab.
Hadir di majlis itu ialah Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Negeri, Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Hj Osman bin Abdullah Uking and Setiausaha Tetap di Kementerian Kesihatan, Dato Paduka Haji Serbini Ali serta pegawai dan kakitangan rumah sakit berkenaan.

Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Hj Osman (2 dari kiri) dan Dato Paduka Hj Serbini Ali (3 dari kanan)
Majlis diserikan lagi dengan ceramah yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Hj Tarof bin Padri bertajuk “Tanggungjawab sebagai orang Islam”. Ini diikuti kemudian dengan persembahan Dikir Marhaban dari Kumpulan An Nur dan penyampaian cenderhati kepada mereka yang diraikan. Majlis diakhiri dengan bacaan doa selamat oleh Ustaz Ibrahim bin Alikhan.

Dua pakar universiti perguruan lawat Mahad Islam Brunei
TUTONG, Rabu - Dua panel pakar dari Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPUSB) telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Mahad Islam Brunei Tutong hari ini. Rombongan itu diketuai oleh Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Safie. Ikut sama dalam rombongan ialah Dr Ghazali Basri dan beberapa orang pegawai dari kolej universiti berkenaan. Tujuan lawatan adalah untuk mengetahui secara lebih dekat lagi akan struktur dan latabelakang pengurusan sekolah-sekolah Arab di negara ini.

Dr Ghazali (kanan) dalam sesi dialog
Ketibaan rombongan dialu-alukan oleh Pemangku Pengetua, Ustazah Hjh Hamdiah Hj Awg Salleh dan pegawai-pegawai kanan maktab. Disusuli kemudian dengan penerangan ringkas disampaikan oleh Timbalan Pengetua (Pentadbiran), Ustaz Hj Hamdan Omar mengenai peranan dan tugas maktab dalam membimbing dan membentuk golongan kanak-kanak dan remaja terutama sekali dalam penerapan nilai-nilai pendidikan agama yang kukuh dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab sedari awal lagi. Beliau juga menyentuh tentang pencapaian yang telah dikecapi oleh maktab sejak ditubuhkan 17 tahun yang lalu dalam taklimatnya.
Belia menambah bahawa ketika ini seramai 382 pelajar sedang menjalani pengajian mereka di maktab dan mereka ini dibahagikan kepada tujuh buah kelas dari darjah 1 hingga peringkat menengah 5 sementara 114 orang lagi menjadi tulang belakang kepada jentera pengurusan maktab yang mana terdiri daripada pegawai, tenaga pengajar, kakitangan dan guru-guru kontrak. Majlis itu diakhiri dengan sesi soal jawab dan rombongan kemudiannya beredar untuk melakukan lawatan ke salah sebuah sekolah Arab di ibu negara.
Mahad Islam Brunei ditubuhkan pada Julai 1990 dan adalah merupakan satu-satunya maktab atau sekolah yang mengajar bahasa Arab di Daerah Tutong manakala enam buah lagi terletak di daerah-daerah lain. Kolej perguruan pula telah dinaik taraf menjadi kolej universiti sejak Januari tahun ini dengan Titah perkenan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan dan Yang DiPertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam semasa sambutan Tahun Baru Hijrah 1428. Maktab berkenaan telah wujud sejak lebih 30 tahun yang lalu.

Working visit by teacher’s university college to Islamic college (bb-29/6/07)
TWO experts panel from the newly upgraded Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College made a working visit to Brunei Islamic College in Tutong yesterday (27/6/07). The entourage was led by Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Safie. Accompanying him was Dr Ghazali Basri and other senior officials from the university college. The purpose of their visit is to have a general overview of the structure and background of Arabic schools being run in the sultanate.

Datuk Mokhtar (left) in a dialogue session

On hand to receive the visitors was the Acting Principal, Ustazah Hjh Hamdiah Hj Awg Salleh and other senior administrators of the college. The Deputy Principal (Administration), Ustaz Hj Hamdan Omar gave some insights into the role and function the college has endeavored in nurturing and shaping Bruneians especially in Arabic and religious education at their young age. He also touched on the progress the college has achieved in its 17 years of establishments in his briefing.
He added, currently 382 students are studying in seven classes from primary 1 to secondary 5 while another 114 making up the workforce thrust of the college comprising of teaching and administration officers and personnel including contract officers. The event ended with a question and answer session. Later, the delegation continued their working visit to another Arabic school in the capital.

Group photo with Islamic College officials

The college is established in July 1990 and is the only Arabic college or school in Tutong District out of seven built nationwide while the religious teacher’s college has been upgraded to university status in January this year by command of His Majesty The Sultan during his speech marking the celebration of New Year of Hijrah 1428. The college has been in existence for more than 30 years.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Serpia LP emerged champion in futsal tournament (bb-26/6/07)
Competing team before the match
The Youth Bureau of Kg Tanjung Bunut in collaboration with Takmir Committee and Village Consultative Council of the village has organized a five a-side football (futsal) tournament on Sunday (24/6/07). It took place at OKSB School field in Kilanas.

In the thick of action

10 teams representing youths from the village took part in the one day tournament. Serpia LP emerged as the champion with Sri Tanjong Star and Kumando Sanak came second and third respectively. Witnessing the event as the chief guest was the village head of Kg Tanjong Bunut, Awg Hj Apong Hj Puteh. The prize presentation ceremony for the winners will take place on July, 5.

Chief guest shaking hand with one of team members