Tuesday, June 19, 2007

NCA a platform for entrepreneurial opportunities (bb-29/5/07)
THE recently concluded co-operative seminar has generated a wave of enthusiasm not just within co-operative circles but to other business players in the country. The two day congregation drew the participation of some 500 representatives comprising of co-operators, chambers of commerce, SMEs, youth councils and agencies engaged in co-operative development activities.
The second of such kind being held at national level since 1999, it is not surprising though the long gap is attracting a wider attention especially after co-operative sector has been recognized as the third engine of growth in the sultanate’s economy.
With a theme ‘Empowering co-operative movement towards entrepreneurship’, the seminar assembled some of the best experts from Malaysia and co-operative advocates from the host country delivering on a wide range of topics on how to develop, stimulate and diversify business activities that will lead to entrepreneurship culture among co-operators. Co-operatives are also urged to form strategic alliances between private and government entities to remain sustainable and competitive.
In his opening speech, the Minister of Industries and Primary Resources, Pehin Dr. Hj Ahmad Hj Jumat stressed the importance of striking a right balance between a ‘producer society’ and a ‘consumer society’ which is notably lacking in the country’s community. He said if this ‘threat’ is not addressed seriously, the trends will imbalance the wealth patterns and jeopardize the nation future economy.

Madam Hjh Hayati stressing an important point during while presenting her working paper
The minister also underlined the imperativeness of co-operative sector as the third economy generating source after public and private sectors. In this regards, co-operatives have shown their relevancy and its competitive capabilities comparable with commercial sectors, the minister pointed out.
On the reactivation of National Co-operative Alliance (NCA), he said the apex body will play an active role of unifying and steering the co-operative movement on par with other co-operatives’ alliances. The alliance will provide a platform for affiliates to voice out their ideas, thoughts and concerns and members could take advantage of the various entrepreneurial opportunities available to them once it is affiliated with the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).

Members of rapportteur finalizing a seminar resolution
Meanwhile, Dato Paduka Hj Hamdillah Hj Abd Wahab, the deputy minister outlined some opportunities and progress achieved by other government agencies within the ministry. He also touched on a cost saving practice through the concept of ‘economy of scale’ and the need for co-operatives to explore ‘supply value chain’ for products and services either for domestic or export-oriented market.

Members of press at work
He touted co-operatives to undertake new business approach to compete with other players in this era of economic globalization. To achieve this, co-operatives must equip themselves with trained management workforce, knowledgably skillful and adopt professional methods if they want to venture out into non-traditional activities without compromising on the solid attributes laid out in co-operative’s philosophy, principles and values, he added.
On the final day of the seminar, a 10 point resolution was adopted and handed over to Dato Paduka Hj Hamdillah by the head of the rapporteuer, Pg Ahmad Pg Hj Metassan. The essentiality of solid understanding of co-operative is the main prerequisite embedded in the resolution before entrepreneurship could be infused on individuals or organizations. To speed up entrepreneurship among co-operatives, training and education must be taught continuously. Collective supports from all parties are also indispensable reaching out to all levels within co-operative communities to guarantee its effectiveness.
Co-operatives must be innovative and adopt ‘best practices’ from renowned and established co-operatives. Forming a strategic alliance, technological acquisition and professional management are among factors that would determine the success of co-operatives. Students must be exposed to entrepreneurship and integrate it into school’s activity so that this culture takes root in their earlier stages of learning. For future leaders, youths are advised to join co-operatives and learn to be more responsible by contributing to the nation’s economic growth.

BINA organizing committee members in a group photo

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